1. 環球全域電訊有限公司(「環球全域電訊」)於指定大廈提供之「一家四口」寬頻服務的本地上載速度最高可達 1Gbps及下載速度最高可達2.2Gbps(由數據機之第1及第2個端口各輸出可高達100Mbps,以及第3及第4個端口各輸出可高達1Gbps頻寬)。頻寬速度是指由用戶端至本公司第一台網絡器材之連線的最高可達速度,並按環球全域電訊網絡覆蓋﹑及各大廈基建﹑使用量﹑網站負載﹑連線內容﹑以及受用戶的電腦性能所影響,故實際速度表現可能會有所不同。海外網站之頻寬除受以上之因素影響外,還會受當地網絡之影響,因此可得之頻寬將低於本地。有關個別大廈所提供之寬頻上下載速度及服務條款,請致電HGC寬頻客戶熱線1223查詢。
2. 只適用於指定之大廈及成功安裝光纖寬頻服務之現有客戶,若客戶搬遷並要求更改服務地址,須按正價月費收取。上述優惠計劃最少申用期為36個月,本公司有權更改或取消已簽訂之優惠計劃。
3. 若客戶未按環球全域電訊所定之程序及未於合約屆滿前一個月以書面要求終止服務,於固定合約期後環球全域電訊將繼續提供有關服務並自動按月收取當時 (除另有註明外) 服務月費。
4. 每個Wi-Fi服務點提供一個或以上之Wi-Fi熱點。須於指定WiFi服務點及熱點使用。WiFi服務點及熱點數目由服務供應商提供。每個WiFi服務點包括不同的熱點數量。在WiFi信號接收較弱或不能使用時,或會自動轉為流動數據並會依據相關月費計劃收取流動數據費用。
5. 在客戶搬遷並要求更改服務地址、更改寬頻速度、因為任何原因而有服務更改、服務合約終止或因為其他原因而停止服務時,客戶須完整歸還由本公司所提供的寬頻數據機、變壓器、myTV SUPER相關儀器 (包括解碼器、遙控器及變壓器)到本公司的終止服務通知書上所列明之地點,或本公司所指定的其它地點。
• 家居寬頻/家居電話/家居寬頻電話服務及/或其他有關裝置之安裝及/或使用質素可能受有關技術、環境及其他外在因素影響。
• 須受有關條款及細則約束,宣傳刊物所載資料於印刷時皆為正確,如有任何更改,恕不另行通知
• 環球全域電訊保留修改以上優惠之權利,詳情請向銷售員查詢或瀏覽www.hgcbroadband.com/pages/terms-conditions。
1. 客戶需提供適合之環境予環球全域電訊安裝家居寬頻服務,環球全域電訊保留拒絕此申請之最終決定權。
2. 為提供寬頻服務,其中一部份安裝程序須由環球全域電訊為客戶安裝寬頻數據機來連接該住宅到其網絡上。在客戶搬遷並要求更改服務地址、更改寬頻速度、因為任何原因而更改服務、終止服務合約或停止服務時,客戶須完整歸還由環球全域電訊所提供的寬頻數據機到環球全域電訊的提醒通知書或終止服務通知書上所列明之地點,或環球全域電訊所指定的其他地點。若
i. 客戶不同意退回寬頻數據機;
ii. 客戶沒有依照環球全域電訊之指示退回寬頻數據機,或
iii. 寬頻數據機因任何原因而損失或損壞,客戶須向環球全域電訊繳付港幣 $1,500 ( 光纖入屋用戶 ) 作為算定損害賠償。若變壓器有任何損壞或遺失,客戶須向環球全域電訊繳付港幣 $100 作為相關損失之賠償。而有關算定損害賠償將直接從客戶之賬戶、銀行戶囗或信用卡扣除而不予另行通知。
3. 家居寬頻服務之基本個人電腦配備為:
i.非光纖入屋用戶 - Intel Core2 Duo P8800中央處理器,2GB系統記憶體,微軟視窗作業系統Windows 7,100M以太網卡,20GB 可用的硬碟空間; ii.光纖入屋用戶 - Intel Core i5中央處理器,4GB 系統記憶體,微軟視窗作業系統Windows 7 (64-bit), 100M/1000M 以太網絡卡 (100/1000BaseT), 20GB可用的硬碟空間﹑ SSD和 PCI-E接口。
4. 於成功安裝HGC寬頻服務後,客戶將可獲得免費電郵信箱之登記名字及密碼。客戶在登記時,每個電郵戶口即享有最少10MB (因服務計劃不同而異) 免費電子郵件容量。
5. 環球全域電訊所提供之家居寬頻服務之安裝費為港幣$1,500(光纖入屋用戶)。
6. 客戶如欲在同一個登記服務地址內更改安裝位置,環球全域電訊將收取港幣$1,500(光纖入屋用戶)作搬遷費(內部)。
7. 就任何性質之上門服務或上門檢查服務,環球全域電訊將收取港幣$150作線路檢查費 (若有關之錯誤/問題是由環球全域電訊之系統或器材/配件所致則除外)。
8. 若於簽訂本銷售合約時客戶獲豁免繳付安裝費,不論任何原因發生以下情況,環球全域電訊將保留向客戶收取家居寬頻服務安裝費港幣$1,500(光纖入屋用戶)之權利:
i. 環球全域電訊得悉客戶於簽訂本銷售合約前或安裝服務前之30日內曾於同一服務地址終止HGC寬頻服務;或
ii. 於簽訂本銷售合約後或安裝服務後之180日內終止HGC寬頻服務。
9. 環球全域電訊於指定大廈提供上下載速度對等100Mbps/1Gbps的家居寬頻服務。頻寬速度是指由用戶端至大廈機樓內之寬頻設備的最高可達速度,並按網絡覆蓋及各大廈基建而定,以及受用戶的電腦性能及配置等因素影響,故實際速度表現可能會有所不同。海外網站之上載及下載速度可能大體上會比本地網站為低慢。有關個別大廈所提供之寬頻上下載速度及服務條款,請致電HGC寬頻客戶熱線1223查詢。
「一家四口」寬頻服務條款 (只適用於2.2G家居寬頻服務)
1. 「一家四口」寬頻服務的本地上載速度最高可達1Gbps及下載速度最高可達2.2Gbps(由數據機之第1及第2個端口各輸出可高達100Mbps,以及第3及第4個端口各輸出可高達1Gbps頻寬)。頻寬速度是指由用戶端至本公司第一台網絡器材之連線的最高可達速度,並按環球全域電訊網絡覆蓋,各大廈基建,使用量,網站負載,連線內容,以及受用戶的電腦性能及配置等因素影響,故實際速度表現可能會有所不同。海外網站之頻寬除受以上之因素影響外,還會受當地網絡之影響,因此可得之頻寬將低於本地。有關個別大廈所提供之寬頻上下載速度及服務條款,請致電HGC寬頻客戶熱線1223查詢。
《100分鐘 hgc on air》服務條款及細則
1. 所有HGC寬頻客戶毋須登記已可免費獲得每月100分鐘該服務使用量(直至另行通知)。 當100分鐘於相關月份使用完畢,用戶於該月份將不能繼續使用該服務,直至下一個月份為止(不適用於已升級至月費計劃者)。
《hgc on air》服務條款及細則
1.《hgc on air》服務(“該服務”)支援 IEEE 802.11b/g/n 標準,並由環球全域電訊有限公司(“環球全域電訊”)提供。客戶需配備有Wi-Fi(IEEE 802.11b/g/n)無線網絡卡的手提電話、平板電腦、筆記簿電腦或其他無線上網設備。有關所需電腦系統及安裝詳情請瀏覽 www.hgcbroadband.com 。
4.部份月費計劃設有合約或優惠期。HGC寬頻客戶於試用期 / 優惠期屆滿後,該服務將自動繼續提供,並按正價月費計劃以月費港幣$10元收取,於客戶之登記帳戶內扣除。第一個月的服務月費會根據實際使用量及服務日數按比例計算;而其餘月份之服務月費則按月收取。客戶須於帳單所列之繳款到期日或之前繳交有關費用。
5.如欲終止月費計劃,HGC寬頻客戶須於合約期(如適用)屆滿期最少7日前以書面通知本公司或致電HGC寬頻客戶熱線1223 辦理有關手續。若客戶於合約期內終止服務,須賠償有關服務於合約期內剩餘月份之月費總數作為提前取消或停止使用服務之算定賠償。客戶於終止服務後,倘其最後一期帳單在扣除應付予環球全域電訊之款項後尚有餘額,客戶必須在終止服務日期後三個月內通知環球全域電訊安排退款。如客戶未能在終止服務日期後三個月內安排或認領有關餘額,則視作客戶自動放棄有關餘額的權利。
6.日費計劃只可透過網上申請,客戶可選購1天通行證﹑7天通行證或30天通行證。 1天通行證由客戶在網上申請確認後至即日晚上23:59有效;7天通行證則在網上申請確認後至第7日23:59有效;而30天通行證由客戶在網上申請確認後至第30日晚上23:59有效。
9.本公司對任何因使用該服務所造成或引起的任何損失或損害(不論是直接、間接、一般、特殊、意外或衍生),概不負任何責任(包括但不限於資料損失、資料執行不準確、或任何客戶或第三者承擔的損失、程式無法與其他程式同時運作),無論是否可預知,包括但不限於任何經濟損失或在 商業、利潤、儲蓄、收入、資料、聲譽或者任何設備使用上之損失。
10.客戶須自備所需的硬體、軟體及互聯網連接以符合該服務所支援的平台及裝置,有關系統要求詳情請瀏覽 www.hgcbroadband.com/tc/out-of-home 或登入 www.hgcbroadband.com使用「LiveChat」網上客戶服務查詢。
12.以"hgc on air EX"為SSID的熱點均以1,000Mbps光纖為主幹。Wi-Fi 1,000Mbps 為光纖主幹之網絡規格,只適用於在有限地區的指定熱點,所有熱點均支援 802.11n 無線技術,最高傳輸速度為 300Mbps 。
《Wi-Fi 360服務計劃》服務條款及細則
1. 《Wi-Fi 360服務計劃》服務(“服務”)只適用於100Mbps或以上及指定制式之家居寬頻。
2. 如客户之安裝地址為HGC寬頻用户,服務已包括無限用量《hgc on air》服務,客戶需使用具備無線上網功能的裝置,並以HGC寬頻服務電郵及密碼登入《hgc on air》服務。有關所需電腦系統要求之詳情請瀏覽 www.hgc.com.hk/broadband 。如客户之安裝地址並非HGC寬頻用户,則只可享用計劃提供之家居無線網絡服務
。客戶如欲使用服務,必須自備有支援Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 ac/n/a 5 GHz / IEEE 802.11 b/g/n 2.4 GHz) 的裝置,才能使用數據機的Wi-Fi功能,透過無線方式連接數據機上網,否則環球全域電訊(“HGC”)並不保證客戶能享用家居無線網詻服務。
3. 為提供服務, HGC需為客戶安裝有關服務設備以開通家居無線網絡,而服務將於客户確認完成安裝後啟用。服務計劃所提供之無線上網室內覆蓋及實際速度表現會受安裝地址內的間隔、裝修物料、使用或接收設備、使用軟件、干擾訊號及海外網站頻寬等因素影響。
4. 設備
a. HGC向客戶提供的設備乃由HGC於本協議有效期內借用予客戶,有關設備屬於HGC的財產。客戶不得亦不得允許他人更改、搬走、附加或干擾有關設備或設備上的任何識別標記或數字;
b. 在協議終止時,HGC有權在任何合理的時間內從客戶的場所中搬走HGC的所有設備。倘若遺失或損壞設備,客戶必須負責。
5. 服務月費將於服務生效日開始收取。第一個月的服務月費會根據實際使用量及服務日數按比例計算;而其餘月份之服務月費則按月計算收取。客戶須於賬單所列之繳款到期日或之前繳交所須費用。
6. 客戶如欲終止服務,必須致電HGC寬頻客戶熱線1223索取有關服務之終止服務表格,並於終止服務日最少一個月前 (但不多於兩個月) 將已填妥之表格,根據表格上所指示回覆至環球全域電訊。
7. 若於協議簽訂後及最少申用期 (亦稱固定合約期) 內, (i) 客戶因任何原因 或 (ii) 環球全域電訊因客戶之過失暫停/終止有關服務,或減少承諾服務的數量 (「已取消服務」) ,客戶須向環球全域電訊繳付提早終止服務費,該款項相等於以下總數:已取消服務於最少申用期餘下的月數乘以取消服務的月費總數。該款項須於取消或終止服務生效日即時繳付。
8. 裝置及配件製造商或代理人在某些情況下並不會提供維修服務,包括但不限於以下情況:裝置及配件是因意外﹑濫用﹑錯誤使用﹑液體接觸﹑火災﹑或其他外力因素而導致損傷;或在製造商表明允許或擬定用途以外操作裝置及配件;或裝置及配件之維修(包括升級和擴展)由製造商或代理人以外的人員進行。維修服務不包括表面損壞如刮痕﹑凹痕或產品正常損耗等。詳情請向製造商或代理人查詢。
9. HGC技術支援只包括就安裝﹑啟動及設置配件提供協助,並不包括儲存﹑檢索和管理檔案;解釋系統誤差信息;和決定何時需要硬件維修。技術支援不包括第三方產品或其對裝置及配件﹑或消費者軟件產生的作用或互動作用;對與消費者軟件或與裝置及配件連接問題無關的設備或作業系統的使用; 在裝置及配件上寄存或記錄的任何軟件或資料的損失或丟失;或恢復和重新安裝軟件程式和用戶資料。
10. HGC並不提供技術支援於已被改裝﹑改動﹑變更﹑干擾或移除的裝置及配件上。裝置及配件製造商或代理人亦會終止所有保養及維修服務。
11. 客戶同意客戶提供給HGC的資料可由HGC按其私隱政策使用、亦可由其聯營公司、代理及承辦商使用作客戶的服務申請、安裝及提供有關電訊服務、信用調查、結賬、收費及客戶服務。HGC按其私隱政策及個人資料收集聲明保護客戶資料,該政策及聲明可見於www.hgcbroadband.com。
12. HGC對計劃履行中超出HGC可合理控制的事件而造成的缺失或延遲不承擔責任。
13. 客戶必須同意遵守服務或支援規定。客戶須提供裝置及配件的問題症狀和引起該問題的原因的有關資訊。客戶須提供有關資料,包括但不限於裝置及配件的序號﹑型號﹑操作系統版本和已安裝軟件﹑連接或安裝在涵蓋設備的任何周邊裝置﹑所顯示的任何誤差信息﹑裝置及配件出現問題前採取的行動與解決問題採取的步驟, 以及確保備份寄存在裝置及配件上的軟件和資料。當裝置及配件系統更新後,已安裝的第三方應用軟件未必能與新系統兼容或共同運作。客戶需重新安裝所有其他軟體程式﹑資料和設置密碼。
14. HGC及其員工和代理在任何情況下都不會對客戶或任何後繼擁有人(如適用)的任何直接、間接或相應損失承擔法律責任。這些損失包括但不限於因HGC的服務而造成的恢復﹑重新編寫﹑再造任何程式或資料的費用;或未能維護機密資料所造成的損失;或任何商業﹑利潤﹑收入或預期的損失。
15. 就任何性質之上門服務或上門檢查服務,HGC將收取港幣$150 作檢查費 (若有關之錯誤/問題是由HGC之系統或器材/配件所致則除外)。
16. 以上條款及內容均以HGC之最後公佈為準。HGC保留最终決定權。
1. 增值服務可能包含第三方網站鏈接。 環球全域電訊對第三方網站並沒有控制權,並不承擔任何有關第三方網站之責任,內容供應及私隱政策。 此外,環球全域電訊不會和不能審查或編輯任何第三方網站的內容。 內容供應商可隨時更改服務內容而不作另行通知。
《myTV SUPER組合》服務條款及細則
1. myTV SUPER服務並不包括安裝。若客戶需要上門安裝,須支付一次性安裝服務費$200 並於首張賬單內收取。myTV SUPER客戶號碼及賬戶密碼將於客戶確認收妥myTV SUPER裝置後或於完成上門安裝及啟動myTV SUPER服務後發送到閣下 已登記之電郵地址。
2. myTV SUPER包括基本組合、TVB外購節目點播組合、精選基本頻道組合及一個「跨屏幕同時睇」服務 (配對myTV SUPER應用程式或myTV SUPER網頁版使用)。
3. 客戶的HGC寬頻服務之安裝地址與此服務之安裝地址必須相同。
4. myTV SUPER服務設有最少申用期限。於最少申用期限屆滿後,環球全域電訊將繼續以按月形式為客戶提供myTV SUPER服務,並向客戶收取相關服務計劃的月費。如客戶要取消或終止服務,必須不少於一個月前以書面通知本公司或致電HGC寬頻客戶熱線1223或登入 www.hgcbroadband.com 使用「LiveChat」網上客戶服務查詢辦理有關手續。
5. (i) 精選服務(指TVB外購節目點播組合及精選基本頻道組合)只適用於現有基本組合客戶。當基本組合屆滿或因任何原因終止,所有精選服務亦將會同時自動被終止,而所有已支付的費用將不會被退回或抵銷。客戶在訂購任何精選服務前,請先查核基本組合的剩餘合約期。
(ii) 當HGC寬頻服務屆滿或因任何原因終止,基本組合及所有精選服務亦會同時自動被終止,客戶只可登入收看免費區內的內容。
6. myTV SUPER服務只適用於myTV SUPER 解碼器、兼容的流動裝置、指定手機作業系統及指定瀏覽器,詳情請瀏覽http://www.mytvsuper.com/tc/basic_requirement 。解碼器租用月費將於最少申用期限內獲豁免。
7. 客戶於最少申用期內可享一個「跨屏幕同時睇」服務(配對myTV SUPER應用程式或myTV SUPER網頁版使用)的月費豁免。客戶須負責透過任何流動裝置連接myTV SUPER服務所引起的任何通訊或數據傳訊費用。「跨屏幕同時睇」服務所提供的內容或因廣播授權限制而與電視的內容有所不同。每賬戶可每月轉換裝置不多於3次。
8. myTV SUPER服務由 MyTV Super Limited 提供,並受有關條款及細則約束,詳情請瀏覽官方網站www.mytvsuper.com 。客戶一旦安裝及使用此服務將被視為已同意並受該等條款及細則約束。
9. MyTV Super Limited 保留權利隨時暫停、更改或終止(任何或部分)上述myTV SUPER服務及修訂其條款及細則,而毋須另行通知。如有任何爭議,MyTV Super Limited 保留最終決定權。
10. MyTV Super Limited 保留權利隨時更改或取消任何頻道及/或任何內容,而毋須事先通知。環球全域電訊及MyTV Super Limited 概不承擔任何有關更改或取消的責任。
11. 為提供myTV SUPER服務、核實客戶是否合資格使用此服務或享用任何相關優惠、及所有載於myTV SUPER服務個人資料收集聲明內的相關用途(http://www.mytvsuper.com/tc/pics),客戶同意環球全域電訊將其登記上述服務之稱謂、姓名、身分證號碼 (首4位數字)、安裝地址、聯絡號碼、信用卡資料 (如適用)及電郵地址提供予 MyTV Super Limited。
12. myTV SUPER服務的登記人必須為年滿十八歲或以上的香港居民。
13. myTV SUPER服務只供香港境內使用。
14. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律規管,並據此予以詮釋。
15. 使用myTV SUPER服務需要兼容設備、網絡連接及定期更新(可能需要支付第三者徵收的費用)。連接myTV SUPER服務的某些功能或交易,建議及可能需要預先取得軟件的最新版本。客戶確認須負責自費獲取及維持所有連接myTV SUPER服務所需的所有設備、系統或軟件及服務。客戶須負責透過第三者網絡連接myTV SUPER服務及更新本軟件所引起的任何通訊或數據傳訊費用。
16. myTV SUPER服務之使用或會影響客戶由第三者網絡提供的寬頻或無線服務的享受及/或操作,環球全域電訊及MyTV Super Limited 在任何情況下毋須就該等影響承擔任何責任。
17. 客戶使用透過myTV SUPER服務所連結的第三者網頁及/或應用程式,或會受到額外或不同條款及細則所約束。除myTVSUPER服務條款外,客戶在使用該等網頁及應用程式時,須受該等額外條款及細則所約束,如有任何歧義,應以該等網頁的額外條款及細則為準。環球全域電訊及MyTV Super Limited 不會就任何第三者網頁及/或應用程式負上或承擔任何責任。
18. 當同時使用myTV SUPER服務及網絡寬頻服務時,客戶的網絡寬頻服務的頻寬或會被縮減。由於使用myTV SUPER服務時需要連接互聯網並消耗一定的網絡數據流量,因此客戶需留意自己的網絡數據用量及網絡供應商所徵收的費用。如有疑問,請聯絡所屬之網絡供應商。
19. 以應用程式下載及使用myTV SUPER服務時會佔用客戶的裝置儲存量,為此,請確保裝置有足夠儲存空間。
20. myTV SUPER解碼器需要HDMI線連接電視才可使用,並不支援HDMI分插器。
21. 本條款及細則的中英文本如有歧義或不一致,概以英文文本為準。
「myTV SUPER服務體驗保證」計劃條款及細則
1. 「myTV SUPER服務體驗保證」(下稱「服務保證」)只適用於已登記並成功安裝「myTV SUPER服務 - 自選組合」的客戶及其安裝地址之最低寬頻速度
要求為100Mbps或以上(“最低寬頻速度要求”) 之家居寬頻。
2. 此「服務保證」計劃保證當客戶以指定myTV SUPER 解碼器連接環球全域電訊家居寬頻,觀看儲存於環球全域電訊數據中心的指定myTV SUPER 解碼器視像内容時可享流暢畫面,即於1小時內出現不多於10次的視像緩衝,而每次視像緩衝或暫緩不會持續10秒或以上。
3. 參與「服務保證」 計劃之指定系統配備要求:為經MyTV Super Limited授權認可的myTV SUPER 解碼器或環球全域電訊不時更改之要求。該myTV SUPER 解碼器必須直接連接環球全域電訊的數據機的指定連接埠。該myTV SUPER 解碼器之軟件、應用程式及其設定、硬件配備或線路均須為原裝設定。
5. 環球全域電訊在以下情況將不會給予「服務保證」:
III.客戶之寬頻服務受其所安裝於myTV SUPER 解碼器的軟件或應用程式或因提供myTV SUPER服務之系統訊號受阻/故障/其他相關因素所影響而未能達致保證之標準。
6. 申報未能達到「服務保證」 之條件 (下稱「申報」)
I.「myTV SUPER服務 - 自選組合」的用戶或登記「服務保證」計劃的客戶;及
7. 申報程序:
I.符合申報條件之客戶若認為環球全域電訊未能提供其保證的標準,可致電 HGC寬頻客戶熱線1223。環球全域電訊客戶服務主任將透過電話指導客戶進行初步檢測。
8. 當HGC寬頻服務屆滿或因任何原因終止,客戶可直接致電myTV SUPER客戶服務熱線2399 9666與客戶服務主任聯絡,查詢所有有關myTV SUPER服務或其相關儀器(包括解碼器、遙控器、HDMI線及變壓器)的維修服務。
9. 「受影響日數」之定義
a 等候維修時間(由確認客戶之申報之日起至檢測日之前一天)及
b 上門檢測後所需之維修時間 (由檢測日起至完成維修之日)。
a 客戶未能接受環球全域電訊所安排的上門檢測。
b 環球全域電訊技術人員受屋苑管理處所限未能於確認申報後兩日內安排網絡檢測。
c 環球全域電訊受到不能合理遇見之因素影響導致其技術人員未能如期上門進行檢測。
d 環球全域電訊技術人員於約定時間上門進行檢測時未能聯絡客戶。
10. 測試方法及補償原則
II.環球全域電訊技術人員將以其配備的 CAT5-E 線或光纖線及特定型號之裝置接駁環球全域電訊的數據機以太網連接埠連接上網,並即場向客戶顯示網絡驗測結果。
III. 環球全域電訊為客戶所提供的寬頻服務達到「服務保證」計劃保證之標準與否,一律以環球全域電訊所進行之現場測試結果為準。補償與否亦按該現場測試結果而決定,
環球全域電訊保留最終決定權。若現場測試結果達到「服務保證」計劃保證之標準,或經調查後發現問題出自客戶一方 (如客戶之系統未達指定系統配備之要求) 環球全域電訊將會向客戶徵收港幣 $150 之上門檢測費。
11. 補償計算方法
I. 根據現場測試結果,若環球全域電訊為客戶所提供的寬頻服務未能達到「服務保證」計劃保證之標準,環球全域電訊將按比例補償客戶受影響日數的兩倍服務費予該客戶。 ( 補償額 = [(該帳單週期所繳月費 / 該帳單週期日數) x 受影響日數 ] x 2)
II. 補償金額將不得高於客戶受影響當帳單週期應繳付之服務月費,故於免繳服務月費之帳單週期,補償恕不適用。
12. 環球全域電訊提供之「服務保證」計劃乃根據其服務條款及細則,且會按需要不時作出修訂。環球全域電訊保留一切修改測試準則、補償細則,以及隨時取消「服務保證」計劃之最終決策權。
1. 如客戶搬遷至低於最低寬頻速度要求 (見下頁「myTV SUPER服務體驗保證」計劃內之定義) 的新住址,客戶之觀賞體驗或會受到影響。若客戶的寛頻服務計劃之最少申用期未屆滿,客戶仍需履行合約,繳付該最少申用期內餘下月份之月費。在客戶搬遷並要求更改服務地址、更改寬頻速度、因為任何原因而有服務更改、服務合約終止或因為其他原因而停止服務時,客戶須完整歸還由環球全域電訊所提供的寬頻數據機、變壓器、myTV SUPER相關儀器 (包括解碼器、遙控器及變壓器) (統稱「有關裝置」) 到環球全域電訊的終止服務通知書上所列明之地點,或環球全域電訊所指定的其它地點。若 (i)客戶不同意退回有關裝置; (ii) 客戶沒有依照環球全域電訊之指示退回有關裝置,或 (iii)有關裝置因任何原因而損失或損壞,客戶須向環球全域電訊繳付以下金額作為算定損害賠償﹕寬頻數據機 - 港幣$500(非光纖入屋用戶)/ 港幣$1,500(光纖入屋用戶); 變壓器 -港幣$100; myTV SUPER解碼器、遙控器或變壓器-港幣$580。環球全域電訊保留權利隨時更改或取消任何有關裝置損失或損壞的賠償費用。
Master Site Upsell Offer Terms and conditions
1. “Line for four” broadband service offered by HGC Global Communications Limited ("HGC Global Communications ") at selected buildings provides a local maximum upload speed of 1Gbps and maximum download speed of 2.2Gbps (by the 1st and 2nd passive optical network modem ports of up to 100Mbps each and the 3rd and 4th passive optical network modem ports of up to 1Gbps each). The bandwidth refers to the maximum of the relevant bandwidth that may be achieved between a customer's premise and the first piece of HGC Global Communications ’ network equipment, which may be different from the actual speed performance that a customer may experience. The attainment of the relevant bandwidth depends on various factors including but not limited to HGC Global Communications network coverage, types of building infrastructure, usage levels, site traffic loading, type of content being accessed and performance and configuration of customers' computers. The bandwidth to overseas sites will also be subject to the conditions of local network there, and therefore the bandwidth might be even less. For further information on bandwidth availability to any particular building, upload / download speeds, or the terms and conditions of our services, please call HGC Broadband Customer Services Hotline 1223.
2. Offer is only applicable to existing customers at selected buildings and successfully installed the HGC FTTH Broadband Service. If customer relocates and requests for change of address, subscribers will be charged the standard monthly fee. The Minimum Subscription Period is 36 months as the case may be. HGC Global Communications Limited reserves the rights to change or cancel the special offer.
3. Customer shall follow the disconnection procedures set by HGC Global Communications by giving at least one month's written notice prior to the expiry of contract for the disconnection of the Service. Otherwise, HGC Global Communications will continue to provide the Service on a monthly basis automatically and to charge at the prevailing monthly fees (unless otherwise specified).
4. Each WiFi service location provides one or more WiFi hotspots. WiFi is applicable to designated WiFi service locations and hotspots. Number of WiFi service locations and hotspots quoted is based on service provider’s information. Each WiFi service location may include different numbers of hotspots. When the WiFi signal is weak or unavailable, service may automatically be accessed by mobile data and mobile data charge will incur based on user’s monthly tariff plan.
5. If customer relocates and requests for change of address, bandwidth, service provisioning for whatever reason, terminates the sales agreement or the service due to any other reasons, customer is required to return the broadband modem, power adaptor, myTV SUPER’s related devices (include myTV SUPER Box, remote control or power adaptor) to the designated location listed on HGC Global Communications’ service termination form or other location designed by HGC Global Communications.
• The installation and the service provision of the Home Broadband/ Residential Telephone Line/ VoIP Service; and/or the installation and/or use of the other related devices may be adversely affected by the related technical, circumstantial and other external factors.
• The above offers shall be subject to the relevant terms & conditions. HGC Global Communications reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the above offers and service plans at any time without prior notice.
• HGC Global Communications Limited shall have the final decision in terms of any dispute. For details, please enquire our salesmen or visit www.hgcbroadband.com/en/pages/terms-conditions.
Home Broadband Service Terms and Conditions
1. Customer shall provide suitable environmental conditions which permit HGC Global Communications to connect its networks to the installation address, the suitability of which shall be determined by HGC Global Communications at its absolute discretion.
2. As part of the installation, HGC Global Communications shall install a Broadband Modem to connect the installation address to its networks for customer's use. Upon customer's request for change of service address due to relocation, change of bandwidth, change of service provisioning for any reasons, termination of the service agreement or any service due to any other reasons, customer shall return the Broadband Modem in good condition to the designated location as listed on HGC Global Communications's reminder notice or service termination notice or other location designated by HGC Global Communications. In the event that
i. customer does not agree to return the Broadband Modem,
ii. customer fails to return the Broadband Modem as directed by HGC Global Communications, or
iii. there is any loss or damage to the Broadband Modem for whatever reason, customer agrees to pay HK$1,500 (FTTH) to HGC Global Communications as liquidated damages. In case of any damage or loss to the Power Adaptor, customer is required to pay HK$100 to HGC Global Communications as compensation for such damage or loss. The said liquidated damages will be directly debited from customer’s account, bank account or credit card without further notice.
3. Minimum system requirement for Home Broadband Service:
i. Non FTTH - Intel Core2 Duo P8800 CPU, 2GB system memory, Windows 7, 100M Ethernet card and 20GB storage; ii. FTTH - Intel Core i5 CPU, 4GB system memory, Windows 7 (64-bit), 100/1000M Ethernet Card (100/1000BaseT); 20GB storage, SSD and PCI-E interface.
4. Customer is entitled to a set of Login ID and password of free email account upon successful installation of HGC Broadband Service. A free e-mail account with minimum capacity of 10MB (depending on the service plan subscribed) will be given to each account upon subscription.
5. The regular installation charge of Home Broadband Service is HK$1,500 (FTTH).
6. Customer shall pay to HGC Global Communications a relocation charge (internal) of HK$1,500 (FTTH) for the service relocation as requested to be effected within the same service address as registered.
7. Customer agrees to pay HK$150 to HGC Global Communications for all on-site inspection, save and except for those cases where the fault is caused by HGC Global Communications.
8. If installation fee has been waived upon signing of the Sales Agreement, HGC Global Communications reserves the right to charge the installation fee of HK$680 (Non-FTTH)/HK$1,500 (FTTH) due to the occurrence of the following situations for whatever reasons:
i. it comes to HGC Global Communications’s knowledge that customer has terminated HGC Broadband Service previously installed at the same service location within 30 days prior to the signing of this Sales Agreement or the installation service; or
ii. termination of HGC Broadband Service within 180 days after signing of this Sales Agreement or the completion of the installation service.
9. HGC Global Communications provides residential broadband service in designated buildings for 6Mbps download speed and 512Kbps upload speed or up to local upload/download speed 100Mbps /1Gbps. The bandwidth refers to the maximum of the relevant bandwidth that may be achieved between a customer's premises and the broadband equipment of the relevant building, which may be different from the actual speed performance that a customer may experience. The attainment of the relevant bandwidth depends on various factors including but not limited to HGC Global Communications network coverage, types of building infrastructure and performance and configuration of customers' computers. The bandwidth to overseas sites will also be subject to the conditions of local network there, and therefore the bandwidth might be even less. For further information on bandwidth availability to any particular building, upload/ download speeds, or the terms and conditions of our services, please call HGC Broadband Customer Services Hotline 1223.
《100 mins hgc on air》Service Terms & Conditions
1. All HGC Broadband Service subscribers will be entitled to a free 100 minutes in every calendar month without registration (until further notice). When all 100 minutes used up, user will not be able to access the service until the next calendar month. (Not applicable for those who have subscribed hgc on air monthly plan).
《hgc on air》Service Terms & Conditions
1.《hgc on air》service (the"Service") support IEEE 802.11b/g/n industry standards. To access the Internet via wireless connection with mobile phones, tablets, laptop computers or any other Wi-Fi enable devices, customer should have the equipments which support the said standards. For the details of system requirement, please visit www.hgcbroadband.com.
2. All HGC Broadband Service subscribers will be entitled to a free 100 minutes in every calendar month without registration (until further notice). When all 100 minutes used up, user will not be able to access the service until the next calendar month. (Not applicable for those who have subscribed hgc on air monthly plan)
3.The Service offers Monthly Plan and Day Pass Plan. The HGC Broadband Service subscribers can subscribe both of the Service Plans, but non-HGC Broadband Service subscribers are only allowed to subscribe Day Pass Service Plan.
4.Part of the Monthly Plan offers with contract or promotion period. HGC Broadband Service subscribers $10 monthly fee will be automatically provided the Service and charged to HGC Broadband account after the expiry of the free / special offer period. All service fees are calculated on a full-month basis, except for the first month of the service which will be calculated according to the actual usage and days of service. Customer shall settle the amount as invoiced on or before the payment due date. If there is a remaining balance in the last bill after service termination and settlement of all outstanding claims by HGC Global Communications against the customer, the customer shall contact HGC Global Communications within 3 months from the date of service termination to request for the refund. Otherwise, the relevant balance will not be refunded after the said 3-month period
5.If the customer wishes to terminate the monthly service, the customer is required to send a written notice to HGC Global Communications or call HGC Broadband Customer Services Hotline 1223 at least 7 days' prior to the expiry of the contract period. If the Service is terminated during the Contract Period, customer is liable to pay the remaining balance of the total contract value as an early termination penalty. If there is a remaining balance in the last bill after service termination and settlement of all outstanding claims by HGC Global Communications against the customer, the customer shall contact HGC Global Communications within 3 months from the date of service termination to request for the refund. Customer who does not claim the remaining balance within 3 months from the date of service termination will automatically forfeit its right to the remaining balance.
6.The Day Pass Service Plan can be only subscribed through online channel. There is 1 Day Pass, 7 Day Pass and 30 Day Pass for customer selection. 1 Day Pass refers to 1 day starting from the date of first to our wireless service until the 1st day at 23:59. 7 Day Pass refers to 7 consecutive days starting from the date of first to our wireless service until the 7th day at 23:59. 30 Day Pass refers to 30 consecutive days starting from the date of first to our wireless service until the 30th day at 23:59.
7.The subscriber of Day Pass Service Plan must settle payment by credit card (Visa or Master) via Internet. HGC Global Communications will charge the customer the fees payable for the Service Plan of 1 Day Pass, 7 Day Pass or 30 Day Pass in one single aggregate installment through the credit card account provided by the customer to HGC Global Communications.
8.The Day Pass Service Plan will be automatically terminated after the service ends, meanwhile the service would be terminated without prior notice.
9.HGC Global Communications shall not bear any responsibility of damages (direct, indirect, special, incidental or accidental) arising due to the use of the Service. This includes but is not limited to intellectual property or data/information loss, information misrepresentation, any customer or third party damages and software problems. Moreover, regardless of whether or not damage/loss was foreseeable, this also includes but is not limited to any financial or commercial loss in savings, information and/or reputation.
10.Customer shall at his/her own costs and expenses arrange for the hardware, software and Internet connection to meet the requirements for the Service. For details, please visit www.hgcbroadband.com/tc/out-of-home/introduction or visit www.hgcbroadband.com "LiveChat" online customer service.
11.Service provider reserves the right to amend the contents without prior notice. 12.Hotspots with SSID "hgc on air EX" are served by 1,000Mbps fiber backhaul network. 1,000Mbps is the network specification of the backhaul broadband which is applicable to selected hotspots in limited locations only. All these hotspots are served by 802.11n Wi-Fi technology which delivers a maximum throughput of 300Mbps.
13.HGC Global Communications will pass the customer's email address to the service provider (if applicable) for activation, maintenance and customer services. Customer can visit HGC Global Communications' website www.hgcbroadband.com for the latest version of HGC Global Communications' Privacy Policy.
14.HGC Global Communications' general and special terms and conditions will apply to all subscribers of service. Customer agrees to be bound by these service terms and conditions. 15.This offer is subject to HGC Global Communications' final notice. HGC Global Communications reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the above offers and service plans at any time without prior notice.
《Wi-Fi 360 Service Plan》
1. 《 Wi-Fi 360 Service Plan》(the “Service”) support 100Mbps or above and selected service provision method of Home Broadband service.
2. If Customer subscribes to HGC Broadband Service at the installation address, the Service will include unlimited usage of 《 hgc on air》service. Customer can access《hgc on air》service using the HGC Broadband Service email address and password and a device with Wi-Fi capability. For details of system requirement, please visit www.hgc.com.hk/broadband. If the Service installation address does not have HGC Broadband Service, Customer will be able to use only the Home Wi-Fi service provided under the plan. Customer shall need a device with Wi-Fi capability (IEEE 802.11 ac/n/a 5 GHz / IEEE 802.11 b/g/n 2.4 GHz) to access the Internet via Home Wi-Fi wireless connection with the modems. Otherwise HGC Global Communications Ltd (“HGC”) does not guarantee the provisioning of Home Wi-Fi service.
3. HGC shall install the relevant equipment to connect the Wi-Fi networks for Customer's use. The Service will be activated after confirmation of completion of installation by Customer. The actual indoor coverage and speed performance of the Wi-Fi connection provided by the Service will be affected by such factors included the infrastructure in the installation address, decoration materials, devices, software, interference signals and bandwidth to overseas sites. 4. EQUIPMENT a. All Equipment are loaned by HGC to the Customer for free use during the term of the Agreement and shall remain HGC’s property at all times; The Customer shall not, nor permit any other person to alter, remove, add to, or otherwise interfere with the Equipment or any identifying marks or numbers on the Equipment. b. Upon termination of the Agreement, Customer shall permit or procure permission for HGC to remove any of HGC’s Equipment from the Customer's premises. Customer shall be liable to HGC for any loss or damages to the Equipment.
5. Service fee will be charged from the service activation date. All service fees are calculated on a full-month basis, except for the first month of the service which will be calculated according to the actual usage and days of service. Customer shall settle the amount as invoiced on or before the payment due date.
6. For service termination, Customer can contact HGC Broadband Customer Services Hotline 1223 to request for the relevant termination form, and return a copy of the filled form at least one month prior to the termination date (but not longer than two months) according to the instruction stated on the termination form.
7. If after the signing of the Sales Agreement and before the expiration of the Minimum Subscription Period (also referred to as “Fixed Contract Period”) after the service agreement has been signed and, any of the service(s) subscribed by Customer indicated on the Sales Agreement (the “Service”) is / are suspended / terminated or the quantity of any Service is reduced (“Cancelled Services”) (i) by Customer for whatever reason; or (ii) by HGC due to Customer’s default, Customer agrees to pay to HGC an early termination charge of an amount equal to the sum of the aggregate of the monthly fee for the Cancelled Services for the remaining months of the Minimum Subscription Period, which shall be due and payable on the effective date of such cancellation or termination.
8. Manufacturers or agents do not provide maintenance services in certain circumstances which include but are not limited to the following situations: the damage to the devices and accessories is caused by accident, misuse, liquid contact, fire or other external causes; or the devices and accessories are operated not for their permitted or intended uses as described by the manufacturers or agents; or the repair (include service upgrade and expansion) of the devices and accessories are performed by a person other than an authorized person of the manufacturers or agents. Maintenance work does not cover cosmetic damage, such as scratches or dents, or the normal wear or tear of the devices and accessories. Please contact the manufacturers or agents for details.
9. HGC technical support services only cover assistance in installation, activation and accessories setting (except for storing, retrieving, and managing files; interpreting system error messages; and determining when hardware service is required). HGC technical support services do not cover third-party products or their effects on or interactions with the devices and accessories or consumer software; consumer computer or operating system that is unrelated to consumer software or connectivity issues with the devices and accessories; damage to, or loss of any software or data residing or recorded on the devices and accessories; or recovery and reinstallation of software programs and user data.
10. HGC will not provide technical support services for the devices and accessories that have been modified, altered, changed, interfered or removed. Devices and accessories manufacturers or agents will terminate all maintenance and repair warranty.
11. Customer agree that the information provided to HGC can be used by HGC, its affiliated companies, agents and contractors for processing service application, installation and provision of service, credit assessments, billing, payment collection and customer services in accordance with the HGC Privacy Policy. HGC will protect your information in accordance with HGC Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement which are available for review at www.hgcbroadband.com.
12. HGC is not responsible for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under the plan that are due to events beyond HGC’s reasonable control.
13. Customer agrees to comply with the rules of service or support. Customer shall provide the information requested, including but not limited to the devices and accessories serial number, model, version of the operating system and software installed, peripherals devices connected or installed on the devices and accessories (if any), error messages (if any), and actions taken before the devices and accessories, and shall make sure to back up the software and data residing on the devices and accessories. Third party applications installed on the equipment may not be compatible with the equipment as a result of the software update. Customer shall be responsible for reinstalling all other software programs, data and passwords.
14. HGC and its employees and agents will under no circumstances be liable to Customer or subsequent owners (if applicable) for any direct, indirect or consequential damages, including but not limited to costs of recovering, reprogramming, or reproducing any program or data or the failure to maintain the confidentiality of data, any loss of business, profits, revenue or anticipated savings, resulting from HGC’s obligations hereunder.
15. Save and except for those cases where the fault is caused by HGC, HGC shall charge Customer HK$150 as inspection fee for all on-site inspection.
16. HGC reserves the rights to make the final decision of the above terms and details.
Home Broadband Value-added Service Terms and Conditions
1. The Value-added Service may contain links to third party websites that are not owned or controlled by HGC Global Communications. HGC Global Communications has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies of any third party websites. In addition, HGC Global Communications will not and cannot censor or edit the content of any third-party site. Service content provider reserves the right to amend the contents without prior notice.
《myTV SUPER Pack》Terms and Conditions
1. myTV SUPER service does not include installation. One-off installation charge of $200 will be charged to the first bill if onsite installation is required. myTV SUPER Customer ID and Account Password will be sent to your registered email address upon receipt of myTV SUPER device or completion of onsite installation and activation of myTV SUPER Service.
2. The myTV SUPER service includes Basic Pack, TVB Premium SVOD, Premium Basic Pack and one myTV SUPER “Multi-view Service”(Pair with myTV SUPER App or Web for use).
3. The service installation address of both the HGC Broadband Service and myTV SUPER service must be the same. 4. Minimum Subscription Period applies to myTV SUPER service. Upon the expiry of the Minimum Subscription Period, HGC Global Communications will continue to provide you with myTV SUPER service on a monthly basis at the monthly rate for the applicable plan of myTV SUPER service. At least 30 days' prior to the expiry of the Contract Period, customer is required to send a written notice to HGC Global Communications, call HGC Broadband Customer Services Hotline 1223 or visit www.hgcbroadband.com “LiveChat” online customer service for cancellation or termination of the monthly service. If the Service is terminated during the Contract Period, customer is liable to pay the remaining balance of the total contract value as an early termination penalty. 5. (i) Premium Service (i.e. TVB Premium SVOD and Premium Basic Pack) is only available to existing Basic Pack customers. Upon termination or expiry of the Basic Pack for whatever reason, Premium Service will be automatically terminated at the same time and no refund or offset of fees paid will be provided. Please check the remaining contract period of the Basic Pack before subscribing to any Premium Service.
(ii) Upon expiry or termination of HGC Broadband Service for whatever reason, Basic Pack and Premium Service will be automatically terminated at the same time and customer can login to free zone only.
6. myTV SUPER service is only applicable to myTV SUPER box, compatible device, designated mobile operating system and designated internet browsers. Please visit http://www.mytvsuper.com/en/basic_requirement for details. Monthly rental fee for myTV SUPER Box is waived during the Minimum Subscription Period.
7. Customer can enjoy one myTV SUPER “Multi-view Service” (Pair with myTV SUPER App or Web for use) with the monthly fee waived during the Minimum Subscription Period. Customer is responsible for any data usage costs incurred in accessing myTV SUPER service via any mobile devices. Content on myTV SUPER "Multi-view Service" may differ from that on TV because of broadcast licensing issues. Each account may change device for not more than 3 times a month.
8. myTV SUPER service is provided by MyTV Super Limited subject to the terms and conditions in "myTV SUPER Terms of Service". Please visit www.mytvsuper.com for details. Upon using or installing the service, customer shall be deemed to have agreed to accept and be bounded by its terms and conditions.
9. MyTV Super Limited reserves the right to suspend, vary or terminate (all or any part of) the above myTV SUPER service or amend the relevant terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In case of any dispute, MyTV Super Limited reserves the right of final determination.
10. MyTV Super Limited reserves the right to change or cancel any channel and/or any content at any time without prior notice. HGC Global Communications and MyTV Super Limited accepts no liability for any such change or cancellation.
11. For the purposes of providing myTV SUPER service, verifying customer's eligibility to myTV SUPER service or any other related purposes as specified in the Personal Information Collection Statement for myTV SUPER service (http://www.mytvsuper.com/en/pics), customer agrees that the customer's salutation, name, HKID number (first 4 digit), installation address, contact number, credit card information (if applicable) and email address used to register the HGC Broadband Service will be provided to MyTV Super Limited by HGC Global Communications.
12. Only Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above are eligible for myTV SUPER service.
13. myTV SUPER service is only available for use in Hong Kong.
14. These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
15. Use of myTV SUPER service requires compatible devices, Internet access, and periodic updates (fees imposed by third parties may apply). The latest version of the software is recommended and may be required to access myTV SUPER service for certain features or transactions. Customer acknowledges that they are responsible to obtain and maintain at their own expense all equipment, systems or software, and services needed to access myTV SUPER service. Customer shall bear any communication or data transmission charges incurred by accessing to myTV SUPER service and updating the software through a third party network.
16. Use of myTV SUPER service may affect customer's enjoyment and/or the operation of the broadband or wireless services provided by a third party network and HGC Global Communications and MyTV Super Limited shall not in any event be liable in respect thereof. 17. Customer's use of third parties' websites and/or applications linked to myTV SUPER service may be governed by additional or different terms and conditions. Those additional terms and conditions of such web pages and applications will apply to customers in addition to these service terms and will prevail over these service terms if there is any inconsistency regarding customer's use of those web pages and/or applications. HGC Global Communications and MyTV Super Limited assumes no responsibility for any third party websites and/or applications.
18. When customer uses myTV SUPER service with their network bandwidth service, the network bandwidth may be reduced. As their use of myTV SUPER service will require Internet connection and incur network data transmission fees, they should beware their network consumption and the network data transmission fees being charged by their network service provider and contact them for any queries.
19. Installation and use of myTV SUPER service by Apps will occupy certain storage capacity of the device. Therefore, please maintain sufficient storage capacity in the device at all times. 20. myTV SUPER Box requires HDMI connection to TV and does not support HDMI splitters. 21. In the event of discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall apply and prevail.
myTV SUPER Service Experience Guarantee Program Terms and Conditions
1. The ”myTV SUPER Service Experience Guarantee Program” (the “Service Guarantee”) is only applicable to customers who registered and installed “myTV SUPER - Optional Pack” successfully and the minimum bandwidth requirement of the service installation address is 100Mbps or above (“Minimum Bandwidth Requirement”).
2. The “Service Guarantee” guarantees that subscriber shall enjoy smooth streaming of specific myTV SUPER video contents which are stored in HGC Global Communications’s data center with designated myTV SUPER Box when connecting to HGC Global Communications’s Home Broadband Service, which means no buffering or freezing time for 10 seconds or above per hour and no more than 10 buffering time per hour.
3. Specific System Requirements for participating in the “Service Guarantee”: Official Hong Kong version of myTV SUPER Box authorized by MyTV Super Limited or other systems as required by HGC Global Communications from time to time. The myTV SUPER Box is required to be connected to the designated HGC Global Communications Modem Ethernet port directly. The original setting of myTV SUPER Box, software, applications and their settings, and hardware equipments or cable should be in place.
4. If subscriber moves to a new premises which cannot meet the Minimum Bandwidth Requirement, the experience of the Service may be affected and the “Service Guarantee” will not be applicable. However, subscriber is still required to pay the subscription fee for the remaining months of the Minimum Subscription Period if the fixed contract period has not expired.
5. HGC Global Communications shall not offer the Service Guarantee under circumstances listed below:
I. Subscriber does not equip with the systems that meet the Specific System Requirements as set out in Clause 3 above.
II. Subscriber does not turn off Broadband Phone or Broadband Television when connecting to the Home Broadband Service. The Broadband transmission quality shall be affected by any usage of Broadband Phone or Broadband Television. Therefore, subscriber must switch off the aforesaid devices to ensure smooth streaming of video contents.
III. Broadband service of the subscriber shall be affected by the software or applications installed by the subscriber in myTV SUPER Box or by the signal delay/ fault/other related factors in the system for the provision of my TV SUPER service, which cause the failure in achieving the guaranteed standard. IV. Periodic or emergency network maintenance or network upgrading works resulting in internet service suspension or lower transmission speed or other circumstances and situations that HGC Global Communications cannot reasonably foresee or control.
6. Criteria for declaration of not meeting the Service Guarantee (the “Declaration”)
I. Being a subscriber of the “myTV SUPER - Optional Pack” or has registered the “Service Guarantee”; and
II. Having met the abovementioned Specific System Requirements.
7. Procedures for Declaration:
I. For subscriber who meets the Declaration criteria and considers that HGC Global Communications has failed to provide the guaranteed standard, please call HGC Broadband Customer Services Hotline 1223. HGC Global Communications customer service representative shall guide the subscriber to conduct a preliminary test for the network over the phone.
II. If HGC Global Communications customer service representative identifies that the failure of HGC Global Communications in providing the guaranteed standard was caused by potential network problems, HGC Global Communications will send a technician to conduct an onsite test for the subscriber.
8. After expiry or termination of HGC Broadband Service, customer can contact the customer service representative directly at myTV SUPER customer service hotline 2399 9666 for enquiries relating to maintenance of myTV SUPER service or its related devices (including myTV SUPER TV Box, remote control, HDMI cable and power adaptor).
9. Definition of “Affected day”
I. Number of days counted from the date that HGC Global Communications customer service representative replied and confirmed the Declaration by the subscriber to the date that service resumed normal. It includes two periods of time:
a. Period waiting for maintenance (starting from the date that the Declaration was replied and confirmed to the subscriber until one day before the onsite test date); and
b. Maintenance period after onsite test (starting from the date of onsite test until the day that maintenance job completed). II. Under circumstances listed below, when HGC Global Communications confirmed that the service failed to achieve the guaranteed standard and calculate the amount of compensation, “Period waiting for maintenance” shall be limited to a maximum of two days: a Subscriber does not accept HGC Global Communications's arrangement of onsite testing. b Onsite testing by HGC Global Communications technician could not be arranged within two days due to restrictions of management office of the premises. c HGC Global Communications is unable to conduct onsite testing as scheduled due to any unforeseeable and uncontrollable circumstances. d HGC Global Communications technician is unable to contact the subscriber at the time scheduled for on-site testing.
10. Testing Method and Compensation Principles
I. HGC Global Communications technician shall visit and conduct onsite testing at subscriber's premises according to the appointed schedule. However, HGC Global Communications shall not conduct any inspection or system settings of subscriber's television.
II. Technician of HGC Global Communications shall be equipped with the CAT5-E or fiber cable and specific model of device to access to the internet through HGC Global Communications Modem Ethernet port, and show the network testing result to subscriber on the spot.
III. Based on the onsite testing result, HGC Global Communications shall determine whether its broadband service achieved the standard of the Service Guarantee and whether the procedures for compensation can be proceeded with. HGC Global Communications reserves the right of final decision. If the onsite test result indicates that HGC Global Communications has achieved the standard guarantee under the “Service Guarantee” program or if, after investigation, the problem is found to have been caused by the subscriber (such as subscriber’s failure to equip with the system that meets the Specific System Requirements), HGC Global Communications shall levy an onsite inspection charge of HK$150 on the subscriber.
11. Compensation calculation
I. According to the results of onsite test, if the broadband services provided by HGC Global Communications to subscriber fail to achieve the standard of “Service Guarantee”, HGC Global Communications shall compensate the subscriber with an amount equal to twice of the service fee charged for the number of “Affected day” calculated on a pro-rata basis. (Compensation amount = [(Service charge of that billing cycle/no. of day for that billing cycle) x “Affected day”] x 2)
II. Compensation amount shall not exceed the monthly service fee of that billing cycle of the account payable for the subscriber, and hence compensation will not be applicable to any month with free service fee offered by HGC Global Communications.
12. HGC Global Communications provides the “Service Guarantee” subject to its terms and conditions which may be revised from time to time without prior notice. HGC Global Communications reserves the right of final decision and all rights to revise the testing standards and compensation principle and to cancel the “Service Guarantee” program anytime.
Service Offer Terms and Conditions
1. If customer moves to a new premises with broadband service lower than the Minimum Bandwidth Requirement (as defined below in “myTV SUPER Service Experience Guarantee Program” on next page), the experience of the service may be affected; but customer is still required to pay the subscription fee for the remaining months of the Minimum Subscription Period of the broadband service plan if the fixed contract period has not expired. If customer relocates and requests for change of address, bandwidth, service provisioning for whatever reason, terminates the sales agreement or the service due to any other reasons, customer is required to return the broadband modem, power adaptor, myTV SUPER’s related devices (include myTV SUPER Box, remote control or power adaptor) (collectively referred to as “Devices”) to the designated location listed on HGC Global Communications's service termination form or other location designed by HGC Global Communications. In the event that (i) customer does not agree to return the Devices (ii) customer fails to return the Devices as directed by HGC Global Communications, or (iii) there is any loss or damage to the Devices for whatever reason, customer agrees to pay the amount below as a compensation for such loss or damage: broadband modem - HK$500 (Non-FTTH)/ HK$1,500 (FTTH); power adaptor HK$100; myTV SUPER Box, remote control or power adaptor - HK$580.. HGC Global Communications reserves the right to change or cancel the amount of compensation for any loss or damage to the Devices.