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【著數優惠】現凡購物結帳金額滿 $300 即送 We + Bar 電子優惠券

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                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
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2025 Hung Fook Tong CNY Pudding Coupon and e-couponRedemption Details

CNYpudding reservation methods (for redemption of 5pcs CNY puddings or above):

From10th January 2025 to 14th January 2025,customer who need to redeem 5pcs CNY puddings or above, please go to Hung FookTong website (http://www.hungfooktong.com) or contact the CustomerServices Hotline at 2920-2206 (Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:30am - 5:30pm)for CNY pudding reservation at any Hung Fook Tong stores at least 3 days inadvance to ensure there shall be sufficient stocks for redemption.

Customercompleted the reservation successfully will receive the confirmation email.Please print or present the confirmation email via mobile phone AND Hung FookTong CNY pudding paper coupon or e-coupon in order to collect the reserved CNYpudding at designated Hung Fook Tong shop. Reservation information cannot bechanged after confirmed.

Three Phases of CNY Pudding Redemption

Phase 1

From 15th January 2025 to 21st January 2025

Phase 2

From 22nd January 2025 to 24th January 2025

Phase 3

From 25th January 2025 to 26th January 2025

Customer presents the CNY pudding paper coupon or e-coupon at any Hung Fook Tong stores to collect the CNY pudding. The CNY pudding coupon shall be invalid after the expiry date.

Customer presents the CNY pudding paper coupon or e-coupon at 25 selected ^Hung Fook Tong stores to collect the CNY pudding.The CNY pudding coupon shall be invalid after the expiry date.

Customer presents the CNY pudding paper coupon or e-coupon at 5 selected #Hung Fook Tong stores to collect the reserved CNY pudding.The CNY pudding coupon shall be invalid after the expiry date.

^25 selected Hung Fook Tong shops:

HongKong Island: HongKong Station, Sai Ying Pun Station, Tai Koo Station, Aberdeen Wu Nam Street,Admiralty Centre, Siu Sai Wan Plaza

Kowloon: Tsim Sha Tsui East Station,Lai Chi Kok Station, Nam Cheong Station, Choi Hung Station, Nam Tin Station,Whampoa Garden, Wong Tai Sin Temple Mall North, Ho Man Tin Plaza

NewTerritories:  KwaiFong Station, Hin Keng Station, Tai Po Market Station, Hang HauStation, Tsuen Wan West Station, Kam Sheung Road Station, TuenMun Ocean Walk, Tin Shui Wai Tin Chak Shopping Centre, Shatin Wo ChePlaza, Shatin Fortune City One, Sheung Shui Choi Yuen Plaza

#5selected Hung Fook Tong shops:

HongKong Station, Lai Chi Kok Station, Wong Tai Sin Temple Mall North, TsuenWan West Station, Tai Po Market Station

Termsand Conditions

  • CNY pudding redemption must within the redemption period. CNY pudding coupon is only valid on or before the expiry date.
  • The CNY pudding coupon is not exchangeable for cash or other products and/or used in conjunction with other discount offers.
  • The CNY pudding coupon will become invalid if it has been defaced or damaged in anyway. Photocopies will not be accepted. 
  • No replacement and redemption will be provided in these circumstances if a CNY pudding coupon is lost, stolen or destroyed.
  • The above shop list is subject to changes without prior notice; please refer to Hung Fook Tong Website for more details. (https://www.hungfooktong.com/en/store-location/)
  • QUALITY OF LIFE PRODUCTS COMPANY LIMITED 生活良方產品有限公司 reserves its right to make the final decision in the event of any dispute.
  • Customer Services Hotline: 2920 2206